Monitoring Icebergs

Personal project, 2021
In times where satellites and cameras are tracking icebergs moving around our seas, this web interface allows the viewer to view this tracking data and learn about those white giants.
Grid view
The main aspect of this interface are images taken by sattelites and aerial camera moving around our seas. They are ordered by dates, and each day gets a square.
In this grid view, days can be displayed in dense or sparsed way. The user can scroll to move in time, as well as zoom in and out. Each square can be hovered to see the date, and then can be clicked on.
Day view
When clicking on an square, or using the slider to full zoom-in, we will get to a single day view. This view displays the day's images as well as the suitable icebergs names. Each iceberg name can be clicked on, in order to get to the iceberg page.

Iceberg page
The iceberg page shows its images, which are a subset of the images showed in the main grid view. In addition, it provides textual information, with links to other icebergs pages.
The black dots represent the iceberg tracked path, and can be hovered to learn about each dot (location, date, and maybe additional information as provided by the tracking organization).

List view
In addition to the main grid view, there is also a list view which provides a list of all icebergs by names, from which you can get access to the iceberg’s pages.